Providing supportive and affirming therapeutic care to assist you in integrating the mystical into your life’s journey


Energy Management Training

Transpersonal / Spiritual Hypnotherapy

Integration of Near-Death or other Exceptional Experiences

Integration of Psychedelic Experiences

Extra-Sensory Perception (ESP) Management

  • “I’m feeling overwhelmed by my mystical experience. It’s deeply affecting me and I need guidance to move forward”

  • Listen

    As an experiencer myself, I will listen, believe, and validate your experiences

  • Grow

    Your experiences will be defined by their growth potential, not pathologized. I will work with you to provide context and a deeper understanding of your experiences

  • Heal

    If your experiences cause you distress, I provide tools and guidance to help understand, integrate, and control them

  • Explore

    With hypnosis, I can assist you in exploring your new connection with consciousness through revisiting experiences, after-death exploration, and past-life regression

Who Are You?

Good question! For some of you, you may not really know right now, and that’s perfectly okay.

Something extraordinary happened to you, something that shook the very foundation of how you've always understood the world.

This experience might have stemmed from a medical, mental, or emotional trauma, a powerful psychedelic journey, an intense spiritual awakening, or a mind-blowing, awe-inspiring moment.

You may have felt a profound sense of unity, interconnectedness, and transcendence. You have experienced a transformation in your understanding of the world and your place in it.

Regardless of how you got here, those intense visions of reality are now a part of you. They often feel even more vivid than what you had previously considered "real."

Your journey may have brought along some unexpected baggage. Maybe you're encountering experiences that challenge your previous notions of time, space, and reality. Some people experience phenomena like telepathy, premonitions, lucid dreams and visions, and other spiritual connections. Some of these experiences feel life-giving, while others could feel intrusive and unsettling.

If this is you, know that you're not alone in this. You're not crazy, and you can relax.


For those of you who are further along the path of integration, perhaps you just need some help living in this world while holding onto your expanded sense of reality. After all, even though you changed, the rest of the world still goes on. You may have a job, a family, a full life. You might wonder if you can work with a therapist or coach where you can talk about the most impactful experiences of your life without resorting to speaking in code. You want to relax into a space where you will be believed, not dismissed or worse, diagnosed. If so, you can relax here too!

You've found a safe and supportive space to explore and make sense of your unique journey.

What a wonderful question! I'm Dr. Cameron.

My credentials include a Ph.D. in Integral and Transpersonal Psychology, an MBA, MBI Life Coaching Certification, and a Master of Hypnotherapy certification. With 15 years of experience, I've been dedicated to helping people understand their expanded reality and create fulfilling, joyful lives.

As a published researcher, I delve into extraordinary experiences and the impact of trauma on what might come next. In collaboration with Dr. Dean Radin and Dr. Julia Mossbridge of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), my work revealed a strong link between trauma and the ability to accurately predict the future.

However, what my resume won't tell you is that I've also personally experienced the awe-inspiring beauty of expanded reality, followed by its own challenges. I’ve worked through anxiety and depression and my own feelings of “homesickness”, knowing that there is something more and better out there than we generally experience in our day-to-day lives. I've learned how to shape a new understanding of life in this world, enriched by these incredible encounters. I can help you do the same.


Common Questions

I had a traumatic experience, and now I'm having these strange visions and sensations. What could be causing this, and is it normal?

It's important to recognize that traumatic experiences can profoundly alter the way an individual perceives and interacts with the world. These experiences, which may include trauma, intense fear, or neglect, can serve as significant precursors to various extraordinary psychic phenomena. Visions of the future, telepathy, empathic connections, and various other psychic experiences can manifest in response to these deeply distressing events.I approach such experiences with compassion and understanding, with awareness that you are not alone and there are many that have had these experiences before you.

I'm struggling to integrate my experiences into my everyday life. How can I make sense of the profound changes in my beliefs and identity?

Many find their transformative experiences positive and life-affirming, yet struggle to adapt to their changed perspectives. I understand the challenges of feeling misunderstood and the desire to adjust priorities. Our aim is to help you integrate these new understandings into a supportive and loving reality. While returning to your 'old' self may not be feasible or desirable, we work together to build a new, more authentic 'normal' that aligns with your evolving self, fostering personal growth and fulfillment

I'm experiencing intense fear and anxiety due to my experiences. Can you provide techniques to help me manage my emotions and find some peace?

It’s entirely normal to experience some degree of fear and anxiety when encountering the unknown and the extraordinary. These emotions are natural responses to such situations. Our aim is to create a safe and supportive space where we can work together to normalize and destigmatize these experiences, ultimately reducing the fear you may be feeling. Simultaneously, I provide support by sharing specialized energy techniques to help you effectively manage your emotions and cultivate a sense of inner peace. Your well-being is our priority, and we're here to help you navigate these emotions with care and understanding.

I'm hesitant to share my experiences with others because I'm afraid they'll think I'm crazy. How can I communicate what I'm going through to my friends and family?

I am here to support you in creating a framework for sharing your experiences with those who may not readily comprehend them. An effective approach is to start by openly and honestly expressing your emotions and experiences, without immediately delving into intricate or esoteric details. Highlight the personal significance and how these experiences have influenced your life. Encourage questions. I can also offer resources and articles that explain the after-effects of a transformative experience, helping your loved ones gain a better understanding of what you're going through. Our goal is to help you bridge this gap with compassion and clarity, facilitating meaningful communication with those you care about

Is it possible that my experiences are a sign of a mental health issue? How can I differentiate between what's real and what might be a symptom of a problem?

It's not uncommon to be concerned about your mental health when trying to make sense of your experiences. Seeking the support of a trained professional in transpersonal and integral psychology can provide reassurance. It's important to remember that mental health issues can sometimes arise from these experiences, and a knowledgeable professional can help validate your experiences and assist you in finding appropriate mental health support if needed

Can you help me explore the spiritual or philosophical implications of my exceptional experiences? I'm grappling with questions about the nature of existence and the afterlife.

Having an experience unlike anything you have had before, and beyond scientific understanding, can trigger a range of profound spiritual and philosophical shifts, including reduced fear of death, an increased belief in an afterlife, heightened spirituality, reevaluation of values, greater openness to metaphysical phenomena, a reduced focus on materialism, enhanced empathy, and a deepened sense of unity and interconnectedness. These transformative shifts often lead individuals to question the nature of reality and their purpose in life. I assist you in exploring what your new understandings mean about your place in this world and the true nature of reality.